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Indian agrochemical companies are making huge investments, export growth exceeds 31% in 2021 H1

Posttime: 2021-11-10

By Leonardo Gottems, Reporter for AgroPages Through investments and regulatory improvements, Brazil could reduce importation of agrochemical products and become an exporter. This statement was made by agronomist Fbio Kagi, who is the manager of regulatory affairs at the Brazilian National Union of Vegetal Defense Products Industry (Sindiveg). However, Kagi s...

U.S. EPA takes action to prevent ecological risks from herbicides aminopyralid and picloram

Posttime: 2021-10-25

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is releasing the interim registration review decisions (IDs) for the pesticides aminopyralid and picloram, finalizing stronger measures to help prevent residues from contaminating compost and damaging non-target plants in sites where compost is applied. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act requ...

Mexico's agriculture minister say Mexico will not limit GMO corn imports from U.S.

Posttime: 2021-10-22

By Tom Polansek Mexicos agriculture minister said the country would not limit imports of genetically modified (GMO) corn from the United States during a meeting with U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in Iowa on Wednesday. Mexico published an executive order late last year that sought to ban in three years the use of GMO corn for human consumption, but d...

Technology to ensure food security in China

Posttime: 2021-10-05

According to the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China will improve efforts to create higher yields and higher quality production of major food crop varieties, and self-sufficiency in major livestock and poultry varieties by 2030 by deploying technology. China released an action plan to promote the national seed industry late last month in S...

Nothing will stop ban on use of glyphosate, insists Greenpeace

Posttime: 2021-10-04

The ban on the controversial herbicide glyphosate cannot be averted, the environmental NGO Greenpeace said Tuesday. Glyphosate is the most widely used pesticide in the world and is listed as potentially carcinogenic by the World Health Organization (WHO), although its manufacturer, Bayer, insists that those effects are unproven. Use of the herbicide, frequen...

USDA/APHIS deregulates corn developed using genetic engineering

Posttime: 2021-09-23

The U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is deregulating a corn variety known as PY203, developed using genetic engineering by Agrivida, Inc., to produce phytase enzymes for nutritionally enhanced animal feed. As part of the petition process, APHIS prepared and sought public comments for 30 days on a draft...

Farmers told to review glyphosate need amid tight supplies

Posttime: 2021-09-20

A global glyphosate shortage has triggered warnings for farmers to review their autumn requirements for the worlds most widely used herbicide. Supply has struggled to keep up with demand and manufacturers have blamed a number of factors, including transport and logistics problems, and the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, on-farm prices of branded and generic ...

USA - BASF paves the way with 14 new Enlist E3 soybean varieties for 2022 planting

Posttime: 2021-09-16

From AgroPages BASF has expanded its Xitavo soybean seed portfolio with the addition of 14 new high-performing Enlist E3 soybean varieties. Xitavo soybean seed is owned by MS Technologies and is exclusively distributed by BASF. With the addition of Xitavo soybean seed to the BASF-distributed soybean seed portfolio, we are not only determined to expand our po...


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