Posttime: 2024-01-16 Author: Shandong CYNDA (Group) Co., Ltd.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released its Crop Production 2023 Summary report. This annual report contains crop production data for the past year for grains and oilseeds, sugar crops, cotton, tobacco, and others. Information on area planted and harvested, yield, and production is provided by type of crop, as well as the planted and harvested area, yield, and production of crops in the U.S. cumulatively. An annual crop summary and annual weather summary is also included at the end of the report.
Corn for grain production in 2023 was estimated at a record high 15.3 billion bushels, up 12 percent from the 2022 estimate. The average yield in the United States was estimated at a record high 177.3 bushels per acre, 3.9 bushels above the 2022 yield of 173.4 bushels per acre. Area harvested for grain was estimated at 86.5 million acres, up 10 percent from the 2022 estimate.
Sorghum: Grain production in 2023 was estimated at 318 million bushels, up 69 percent from the 2022 total. Planted area for 2023 was estimated at 7.20 million acres, up 14 percent from the previous year. Area harvested for grain, at 6.12 million acres, up 34 percent from 2022. Grain yield was estimated at 52.0 bushels per acre, up 10.9 bushels from 2022.
Rice: Production in 2023 totaled 218 million cwt, up 36 percent from the 2022 total. Planted area for 2022 was estimated at 2.89 million acres, up 30 percent from 2022. Area harvested, at 2.85 million acres, was up 32 percent from the previous crop year. The average yield for all United States rice was estimated at 7,649 pounds per acre, up 264 pounds from the 2022 average yield of 7,385 pounds per acre.
Soybean production in 2023 totaled 4.16 billion bushels, down 2 percent from 2022. The average yield per acre was estimated at 50.6 bushels, up 1.0 bushel from 2022. Harvested area, at 82.4 million acres, was down 4 percent from last year.
All cotton production is estimated at 12.4 million 480-pound bales, down 14 percent from 2022. The United States yield is estimated at 845 pounds per acre, down 108 pounds from last year. Harvested area, at 7.06 million acres, is down 3 percent from last year.