A reduction in regulatory burden and enhancement of the Agency’s ability to conduct food safety evaluations and set standards for tolerances in commodities that are consumed globally.
Lower registration costs, including an estimated savings of $101,700 for registrants by avoiding the cost of additional testing requirements to establish a separate tolerance, which will encourage more pesticide products to be registered on minor crops, providing more pest control tools for minor crop growers.
The addition of certain minor or specialty crops that have grown in popularity since the establishment of crop groupings, like amaranth, chia, prince’s feather, and quinoa, among others, will facilitate access by consumers to these crops as growers realize cost savings from new pest control tools.
The promotion of greater use of crop groupings when setting tolerances, both domestically and in countries that export food to the U.S., increasing global compatibility with international food safety standards.
Based on petitions submitted to EPA by the IR-4 Project, EPA has taken a phased approach towards revising the current pesticide crop grouping regulations. The remaining groups to update and expand in the future are: Root and Tuber Vegetables (Groups 1 & 2), Cucurbit Vegetables (Group 9), Grass Animal Feeds (Group 17) and Nongrass Animal Feeds (Group 18).
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