Recently, Shandong Cynda Group introduced its brand-new compounds(吡唑喹草酯 and 苯丙草酮, haven’t approved of ISO names)created by Cynda Innovation Research Institute. The products will soon be released to market, which can both be used as resistance management tool for paddy field.
苯丙草酮 can effectively control gramineous weeds resistant to various herbicides in rice field, without cross resistance to penoxsulam, cyhalofop-butyl, metamifop and quinclorac. It is remarkably effective on control of the resistant barnyard grass, moleplant seed and paspalum distichum, being expected to be released to market in 2023.
吡唑喹草酯 is a brand-new HPPD inhibitor created by Cynda. It breaks through the limit of use of HPPD inhibitor in indica rice field, having opened a new page of safe application of this kind of herbicide to all kinds of rice fields. The HPPD inhibitor is thus used to control weeds in rice fields through stem and leaf spray, which is a big leap achievement, revealing the high safety and high activity of the compound. Moreover, this active ingredient is super systemic, being extraordinarily effective on control of elder weeds. The product is expected to be released to market in 2022.
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